tko smo mi
Dobrodošli u najbolju online trgovinu, vaš izvor broj jedan za sve vrste proizvoda.
Posvećeni smo pružanju proizvoda najviše kvalitete i materijala
Naša trgovina prodaje u više od 15 europskih zemalja i fokusirana je na brzu dostavu do vaše kuće
Odaberite najbolje darove za svoje najdraže i obitelj, uz ogroman popust
Clients Satisfaction
Furniture Repairment
Diamond Certificates
What we do?
What is our clients say?
"I wholeheartedly recommend Xtra Furniture Shop for your repair needs. I have used their services on two sets of jewellery.”
"People have been using natural objects, such as tree stumps, rocks and moss, as furniture since the beginning of human civilization. ”
"I wholeheartedly recommend Xtra Furniture Shop for your repair needs. I have used their services on two sets of Sofas.”